March 30, 2010

World Food Production

"World food production must increase by 70% by 2050 to meet world population growth"

While driving home tonight from work I heard an expert talking about food. He stated that while the rate of food production is increasing,  the human population is increasing at an even faster rate. His solution was to increase industrial agriculture output. It got me thinking.

The developed world's population is actually decreasing, 1.2 kids per family will do that to a population, but this is where the bulk of the worlds food is produced. The population of developing and third world nations is increasing rapidly, and this is where the food demand is going to come from.

My thought was that the solution would not be in industrial agriculture, but rather in small scale urban 'farms'. People growing their own food, or at least part of it. Community gardens, balcony gardens, rooftop gardens would all allow people to be slightly self sufficient. Much like the agricultural campaigns during the second world war in Canada and Great Britain, we should be encouraging all nations to "Dig for Victory" in their back yards!

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