May 19, 2010

The Potatoes are in!

At long last I have had time to 1- Go get seaweed and 2- Build the potato lasagna!

There was a lull of activity in the garden --  exams, weather, conferences, presentations... But yesterday was a glorious sunny day and I was back at it! We planted lettuce transplants, and some onion starters. I also bought 2 beef-stake tomato transplants and put them in. I know its too early, well at least thats what everyone says, so Im not putting out my own seedlings yet. Its more of an experiment. Lets see what happens!

The polebeans are starting to sprout and the lettuce that I planted underneath the bamboo poles is also coming up. This is going to be great!

The first harvested radish! (many more have been picked since)

The Seaweed Source
A plastic mesh cage, attached to my PVC hoop frame (I respect the wind now) You can see the potatoes in the egg trays eagerly awaiting their new home.
I probably put the potatoes too close together, but I have seen some others growing potatoes in buckets, and I thought their spacing was about this far apart. We'll see, this is the experimental year. What I did I make alternating layers of seaweed and potatoes. I arranged the potatoes so that the eyes were facing out. Hopefully they will grow out the side of the mesh and then course upwards.
The final product. It doesn't smell and actually looks ok! Our little one thought it looked like hay and said "We'll be horses and that will be our food!".
A look at the garden with some of the new transplants. You can see the radishes (closest) have really gotten quite large! The bamboo poles can be seen here too.
Pea sprouts at the bottom of the bamboo pole!

Hard to see, but this is underneath the poles and hopefully will be a nice cool, partially shady area for the lettuce. There are some small sprouts already!

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